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Writing & Communication Blog Posts

Integrating Direct Quotations into Your Writing

If you’ve ever had a professor ask you to “use quotes” or quote other texts in your writing before, you know that it’s no easy task. It can feel awkward sometimes to determine what parts of the text are worth quoting, as well as how to directly quote in your writing without sounding too formulaic or repetitive. Keep reading for some strategies on effectively using direct quotations in your next writing project!

Sentence Structures

Sentences convey ideas and how they are related. They may have multiple ideas and relationships, so different structures help to separate a sentence’s information. Descriptions Examples Word order is a language’s mostly fixed sequence for ideas and relationships,...

Word Choice & Word Form

Word choice and word form indicate a writer’s familiarity and their intended reader’s familiarity in a context by following systematic rules and idiosyncratic rules. Descriptions Examples Fixed phrases are word combinations that appear together in high frequency in...

Other Rhetorical Choices

Rhetorical choices give writing an effect that can help readers better understand the writer’s context or purpose. Descriptions Examples Formality tells the reader if the writing is situated in a casual context, professional context, or anything in between. Some...