Instructor Resources

Should I require my entire class to use the Writing Center?

No. We want you to encourage your students to utilize the Writing Center as part of their strategy to strengthen their writing skills, but we do not suggest that visits be required for an entire class. The logistical and pedagogical rationales are outlined below.

  • While CEWC services complement the instruction in writing courses, we do not have sufficient staff to accommodate individual consultations for all the students in all courses.
  • Students who visit under some form of requirement do not typically benefit from a consultation as much as those who come of their own volition. They may wish to visit very briefly, simply to obtain a proof-of-service form. Such visits have the potential to develop into beneficial consultations, but often they diminish access for the more self-motivated students.
  • If you would like a Center representative to develop a workshop specifically tailored to your class, or if you would like to ask about an embedded peer tutor or a regularly paired Specialist/Consultant, please contact the Associate Director, Evin Groundwater,


Writing Center Materials and Research

  • Class Visit/Workshop Request Form: Use this form if you want to request a Center representative to visit your class for an introduction to our services or a specialized writing workshop. Advance notice of at least one month is requested in order to meet demand.
  • Past CWCC Research: One-time and ongoing research projects in writing studies, composition studies, and writing across the curriculum by the Campus Writing & Communication Coordinator.


Course Planning


UC Irvine Undergraduate Writing Program Links


Academic Honesty