Community Agreements and Policies
Writing Center Community Agreements
Anyone who uses the Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication’s services agrees to the following community agreements and policies.
- Honor Diverse Experiences: Writing Center tutors, UCI students, staff, and faculty must strive first to listen and empathize with everyone who utilizes the Writing Center. Share your perspectives and points of view, but reciprocate the same discernment and understanding you seek to be given to you. An inclusive mindset towards different perspectives and backgrounds is necessary to promote growth and acceptance.
- Collaborate with Curiosity: Writing inherently calls for vulnerability, and because of our personal connection we may have to writing, we may assume offense where intent is mostly sincere. The Writing Center promotes a social collaboration to revise assignments that are student-centered. However, constructive feedback may be met with some defensiveness. Let us first come from a place of curiosity and allow people to explain their perspectives before reacting to feedback that may feel invalidating, discrediting, or discriminatory .
- Respect Professional Boundaries: Writing Center undergraduate peer tutors, graduate consultants, and writing specialists are employees but should be met with mutual respect and treated as professionals. It is inappropriate to ask for a writing consultant’s or peer’s contact information, or for consultants to provide this information. Common courtesy and welcoming behaviors and manners are fundamental to an effective session, but exchanges should focus on writing and writing processes.
- Uphold Confidentiality: It is not required nor expected to share personal information, but if participants choose to share, everyone involved will uphold confidentiality. Exceptions to this are in instances where an individual shares urgent information that presents danger to the person or to others).
* The following format and guidelines have been adapted from UMASS Boston’s Writing Center.
How do I make an appointment?
Appointments are made through UCI ZotPASS (you can also download the app on your phone for ZotPASS). ZotPASS is a tutoring appointment system specifically designed to manage and track appointments for university-level tutoring on the UCI campus. In addition to providing available sessions, whether in person or virtually (remotely) with our professional tutoring staff and peer tutors, ZotPASS also offers email and push notification reminders.
You don’t need to register for anything extra to use ZotPASS; just enter your UCI email for the web browser to receive a link to access the system or use the app for UCI’s single-sign on system.
What kind of appointment should I make?
For undergraduate students, we currently have two types of appointments available: Writing Specialists/Consultants (professional staff) and undergraduate writing peer tutors. Due to the transition to the new appointment system, we have temporarily paused our asynchronous consultations service and will relaunch asynchronous writing feedback in the near future. Writing Specialists/Consultants and undergraduate writing peer tutors offer in-person (at Science Library 193 and satellite locations) and virtual (remote) appointments. Both kinds of consultations can provide support and feedback about overall writing strategies, general editing, and research strategies.
For graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, we offer appointments with our Graduate Writing Consultants. We also offer regular group writing support, workshops, and bootcamps/retreats for graduate students. The best way to view our upcoming group writing support meeting schedule is via Campus Groups. Once you’ve logged in, search for the CEWC/Writing Center’s events (they are visible to all UCI grad students and postdocs). Group writing support events may require prior registration. Please keep an eye out on Campus Groups and for emails from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholar Resource Center advertising our upcoming events.
What can the consultant help me with?
Any writing assignment for any class! We provide writing assistance at any stage of the writing process (e.g. understanding the prompt, brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revising). You’re more than welcome to bring working drafts of your assignments to the appointment, but it is not required in order to seek support. However, sessions are more effective when students are prepared to work on one to three specific areas of focus. It is also highly encouraged to have your instructor’s prompt with you for your appointments (if one is given).
Can I drop off my assignment for a consultant to edit?
No. We are not an editing service. Our Center provides collaborative and constructive feedback to students seeking guidance on how to write and/or improve their assignments. Ultimately, we are here to give you strategies and tips to help you authenticate and develop your voice and skills as a writer, not to be your writing voice.
Can the consultant review my assignment before or after my scheduled appointment(s)?
No. Our undergraduate peer tutors are student workers. Consultants are not required nor do they review any writing materials outside of their paid time.
Can I see a consultant to help me with non-UCI related assignments?
Yes! We help students with resumes, cover letters, personal statements, statements of purpose, and more! Our tutors are equipped to assist students on a range of assignments and writing genres. Even if you cannot find a tutor that has that exact background in writing, we can provide some general writing assistance to get you started along with redirecting you to a better matched student resource.
How many appointments can I make?
Students are only able to schedule appointments that add up to an hour and half max, so given that we provide 25-minute to 50-minute appointments, you can schedule up to 1 appointment per day and 2 per week.
What happens if I am running late to an appointment?
If you are going to be 10 or fewer minutes late to an appointment, please reach out to let us know you are going to be late but are still attending your appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule, we suggest you call the front desk or go to ZotPASS to do so.
Reach out via phone at (949)-436-8060 or email at
Why was I marked a "no show" for my appointment?
Please note that due to availability constraints, you may be penalized for consistent “no-shows” (not showing up to an appointment you previously scheduled without notifying the CEWC staff) or for “late cancellations” (cancelled appointments within 30 minutes of the start time or requests to cancel after the appointment was supposed to begin). If you have 3 no-shows or late cancellations within one quarter, your account will be deactivated for the rest of the quarter and reactivated at the beginning of next quarter. If you need to cancel or reschedule, we suggest you call the front desk or go to ZotPASS to do so.
Reach out via phone at (949)-436-8060 or email at
Do I have to make an appointment? Can I see someone the day-of without an appointment?
Walk-in availability is not guaranteed. We are primarily a by-appointment service, but if you come in as a walk-in, and if a tutor is available, we can have you work with someone. We highly recommend making an appointment in advance though, especially around midterms and finals.
Can I do homework and/or study in between classes at the Writing Center?
Yes! Space may be limited, but we have tables in the back of the Center dedicated for student use, but please be considerate and respectful to those using the space as well. Clean up after yourself and keep conversations and noise to a minimum.